After creating a campaign, creative or even a simple graphic, the plans are already done and they are waiting to be released. Our collegues can coordinate the procedure of the production so the production can come out on time and in the best quality.
Printing services
It's been the most traditional and often used technology since Guttenberg. We offer solutions from producing the small quantity flyers till the million-issued flyers, we have printing solutions for everything. We provide the highest quality by our selected printing-offices.
Advertising video production
The advertising video production is perhaps the most efficient way to transmit the message which uses all the sound effects and visual tools.We can control every step of this from the beginning till the end. Whatever we found out in the creative we are going to be able to make it a moving picture according to the requirement of the job.
Advertising music, making music
Nowadays we not only have different sound effects in televisions and radios, they've become necessary to use in all areas of the digital media. We can make simple signs for individual demands or we can compose music for your advert.
Advertisement photos and fashion photos
The world of fashion and style collect these trends which form our days and our consumer needs. The good brand communication always builds on the actual trends and pays attention to their changes.We took pictures of the creatives, objects that are going to be in the adverts, compositions in studios or in outside locations.
It's important that the creative of the campaign gets on the radio advertisement therefore we made dialogues and dubs by actors suggested by us. We are part of the working process from getting ideas it's on at the radio.