"Tobbet egy csapasra!" image

For the creative of this advertising campaign we took the set notebook pictures.

Zoom in...
POLARGLARE - Polar Glare photos
Polar Glare photos
VIEWOPTICS - ViewOptics photo
ViewOptics photo
WELLIS - Wellis product image photo
Wellis product image photo
SIÓ-TRANS - Sio-Trans new fleet photography
Sio-Trans new fleet photography
KENVELO - Kenvelo photo
Kenvelo photo
SIÓ-TRANS - Sio-Trans Individual
Sio-Trans Individual
AVANGLION - Avanglion 2009
Avanglion 2009
VT ARTRANS - Calendar photos
Calendar photos
M-LOOK - M-Look image photos
M-Look image photos
ALBACOMP - "Tobbet egy csapasra!" image
"Tobbet egy csapasra!" image
ALBACOMP - Classmate product picture
Classmate product picture
OZZIE - Ozzie 2009
Ozzie 2009
ABORIGINAL - Aboriginal eyewear 2009
Aboriginal eyewear 2009
AVANGLION - Avanglion image photos 2008
Avanglion image photos 2008
MAKHTESHIM - Makhteshim Man pictures
Makhteshim Man pictures
KENVELO - Kenvelo eyewear 2008
Kenvelo eyewear 2008
JÜLLICH GLAS HOLDING - Building pictures
Building pictures
FEHÉRVÁRI START AUTÓS MAGAZIN - Start Car Magasine photographing
Start Car Magasine photographing

ALBACOMP - 25 years at forefront of Informatics - logo planni
ALBACOMP - Albacomp corporate identity planning
ALBACOMP - Activa MiniPC logo planning
ALBACOMP - "Tobbet egy csapasra!" image
ALBACOMP - Classmate product picture
ALBACOMP - Image Brochure
ALBACOMP - DM Brochure
ALBACOMP - Packaging design - Activa MiniPC
ALBACOMP - Packaging design - Starbox HDD
ALBACOMP - Product registration flyer
ALBACOMP - Printers 2008 - Product Guide
ALBACOMP - Lenovo flyer
ALBACOMP - "Valtson stilust!" DM flyer
ALBACOMP - Albacomp "Megorulok erted" DM
ALBACOMP - "Tobbet egy csapasra!" advertisements
ALBACOMP - "Tobbet egy csapasra!" DM flyer
ALBACOMP - Classmate PC microsite
ALBACOMP - Integrity microsite
ALBACOMP - Albacomp Outlet website
ALBACOMP - Notebook webshop
ALBACOMP - Albacomp product registration microsite
ALBACOMP - Albacomp - HP notebook banner (B)
ALBACOMP - Albacomp - HP notebook banner (A)
ALBACOMP - Albacomp Tablet PC - banner
ALBACOMP - Albacomp - "Kifutó termékek fél áron" banner
ALBACOMP - Albacomp Notebook 3G radio spot
ALBACOMP - Albacomp - AlbaPack Garancia banner
ALBACOMP - Albacomp "Megőrülök érted" banner
Environmental awareness!
iVision Animated-Light Europe

Andersoon & Blaise - Brand and Advertising Agency