Terms of use
Using andersoonandblaise.com and andersoonandblaise website you accept the terms of use without reference to the text.
To breach and not to know the terms of use it doesn't acquit you or anyone of the responsibility at the owner of the website's expense.
The website and the contents of the website ( e.g.:pictures, references, sounds, videos, etc.) are under protection of the copyright. Using information, datas, texts from the website is forbidden, without the owner's permission in writing is prohibited.
Without the owner's permission in writing you can't copy the website, not even part of it. To use any contents of the website (e.g.: pictures, references, sounds, videos, etc.), to process, to re-make or to use it for commercial reasons without the owner's permission in writing is forbidden. Against unauthorized use we will start a legal prodecure.
To use anything from the website ( whole parts or small bits ) the owner's permission in writing is needed no matter what.
Without the owner's permission in writing it's forbidden to put or copy any reference of the website and to represent it as your own. We distance oneself from cases when someone puts any reference of our website to illegal and obscene websites which can ruin the owner or the administrator's reputation and interest. In all cases we will start a legal procedure.